The important thing to locating an ideal girl just for marital life is definitely with an online dating services company. For the female who have not found the ideal partner, a web online dating service could actually help the girl to have that will extraordinary male...
Tratamientos para el Papel VOLUME AND DRAINAGE GAMA SERVOL KI One of the most important parameters, during high grammage paperboard and cardboard making, is the thickness or caliper of the sheet. Moreover, drainage is one of the speed limitations in this type of...
Treatments Process agents Disintegration Anti-stickies Antifoam Agent Retention Agent ATC Preventive agents Felts preventive agent Wires preventive Antiscaling Agent Microbiocides Cleaning agents Circuit Clothing Structure Water treatments Starch COD...
Tratamientos para el Papel CATIONIC STARCH SUBSTITUTION SERFIX MC RANGE Con el objetivo de lograr importantes ahorros en el tratamiento de almidón, SERTEC20 propone la sustitución del almidón, mediante una formulación específica. Es una solución polimérica catiónica...
Tratamientos para el Papel COD REDUCTION IN PAPER CIRCUIT SERFIX E 70 A common situation in paper machines that use starch and recycled paper (OCC) is the high COD that is provided to the circuit, and therefore in the WWTP. Moreover, the microbiological growing...
Tratamientos para el Papel INCREMENTO DE LA RESITENCIA EN SECO GAMA DRYTEC En las fibras recicladas debido a la variedad de superficies, la cobertura de enlaces por medio de productos químicos del propio recorte, como el almidón catiónico que permanece fijado, etc.,...