Corrugated cardboard treatments WATERPROOF AGENT SERAFILM SZ RANGE Corrugated cardboard boxes can be damaged by moisture during storage, transportation or according to their final use. If moisture enters the cardboard, it can stain or damage its contents. One way to...
TRATAMIENTOS PARA EL CARTÓN ANTIFOAM AGENT GAMA SEARFOAM The presence of foams in ink waters can lead to foaming problems during the purification stage or in its later use in the preparation of glue. The objective of the treatment is to solve all those problems...
Tratamientos para el Papel VOLUME AND DRAINAGE GAMA SERVOL KI One of the most important parameters, during high grammage paperboard and cardboard making, is the thickness or caliper of the sheet. Moreover, drainage is one of the speed limitations in this type of...
Paper treatments STARCH REDUCTION SERFIX S20 EO The starch used in in paper mill is mainly applied in wet end section for internal sizing, size press for surface sizing, and size press or off-machine application for coating. Mainly starch is classified into two types:...
Tratamientos para el Papel CONTAMINANTS REMOVAL FROM RECYCLED FURNISH SERDISP BTE The growing use of recycled furnish in papermaking is an evidence. Recycled fibers usually contains a high amount of contaminants, such as plastics, adhesives, inks, metals and other...